Viewing From Afar
Good morning to all! I hope that everyone is keeping well during these unprecedented times!
Apologies once again for the delay in uploading another blog post. I have been very busy over this past month and I struggled to find time to write another post between attending virtual university workshops, organising society admin, helping to create graphics for The Literate Earth Project UK’s social media (see my handiwork through the following links and on my Portfolio: Facebook; Instagram 1; Instagram 2) and continuing to work on my manuscript. The latter has been my main focus as I am currently attempting to reach a very exciting deadline - watch this space to find out more!
As such I believe it is worth me once again altering the post uploads to monthly rather than fortnightly, as this not only gives me chance to spend sufficient time on my other projects but also means that I have more interesting and exciting antics to share on my blog. Besides, I’m sure you’d much rather read and enjoy a more substantial entry with lots of fun details rather than shorter pieces containing and repeating my more mundane creative antics.
Anyway, what have I been doing this past month?
Well as I mentioned previously I am currently studying MA Creative Writing at the University of Lincoln. Like many other university students I am slowly but surely growing accustomed to online learning. I personally find that my course has adapted well with this style of learning, especially as it means the entire cohort can all bounce ideas off each other rather than being split into smaller groups that adhere to social distancing for when we are at University. Of course the Prime Minister’s announcement on Halloween has further signified that this way of teaching will be happening for some time, so I’m glad that this method works. That is, if the WIFI connection and webcam holds up.
So far I am really enjoying my course, as it not only helps with developing my writing craft but it also acts as a guide to pursuing a writing career after university. As someone who has an idea of the area of work I want to go to but not a specific career as of yet, I am finding this research stage really helpful in painting a picture as to what I want my life to be, what opportunities and paths are out there. Of course the dream has been and always will be to be a published author, so seeing examples of steps to reach that goal and hearing other success stories is definitely beneficial to me. I just have to keep perfecting my craft whilst I search for the right path for me.
Which swiftly leads me on to my next antic of the month. As mentioned previously I am currently working on a Young Adult Dystopian Fantasy novel. With another lockdown imminent and my university assessments still a while off yet, there is no better time to get pen to paper - or fingertip to keyboard if you prefer. Currently my enthusiasm for this manuscript is rocketing and I am really pleased with how it is evolving every day, each chapter draft allowing the text to grow into the thrilling read I aspire it to be. 20,000 words are already written and finely edited from the feedback I have already received so fingers crossed I will be able to finish and polish it off into a worthy piece of fiction! Of course I can’t reveal too much as of yet, but just know that I will be keeping you updated with any exciting advancements.
Speaking of, I am hopefully aiming to finish the manuscript (along with a synopsis and covering letter) and enter it into a very exciting competition! I have just under three months to do so and with two amazing prizes on offer I am going to give it everything I’ve got! However, as much as I am willing to push myself to reach this ultimate goal, I am also conscious that a rushed piece is almost never as good as you’d like it to be, so I am constantly alternating between writing and editing to ensure I believe my piece is worthy enough for consideration. As such, I hardly ever leave my writing coma cave, but I have a really good feeling that something great is going to come out of this work. After all, when all around you is dark, you must form your own source of light.
I’m going to end this month’s entry with a few sources of inspiration, just in case anyone reading this is keen to also express themselves creatively but just need that extra motivation. I watched a video recently about an Auschwitz survivor that ended with words that have been stuck in my head ever since, although I may be paraphrasing a little here: “nobody can take away from you what you put in your own mind”. As such, use that fire, that burning creative desire to help you fulfil that dream, or that goal. Not even a global pandemic can quell that creativity, so don’t let it stop you! It certainly isn’t going to stop me.
Keep well and stay safe everyone! I look forward to writing the next update for you to enjoy!
Until next time,