Festivities and Flight

A Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you had the best Christmas day with all your wishes granted and that you are enjoying the festive season. As usual, I am back with another monthly blog and update on my writing and adventurous wonders. This month has been filled with joyous occasions, inspiring opportunities and even chances to get pen to paper, so I am looking forward to sharing these with you all. Without further ado, let’s begin…

It feels only fitting to begin with my festive ventures. It is fair to say I immersed myself into every and all Christmas themed occasions this year, well and truly appreciating family and friends with me and embracing my gratefulness for all I have, especially during this time of year. To name but a few adventures, I attended my first Christmas at my school, visited my friends in York and perused around the Christmas market, fulfilled the annual tradition of visiting garden centres to see their magical displays, attended the special Christmas themed archery shoot - during which I won some chocolates - ate plenty of food during many buffets and joined my boyfriend’s family over Christmas and Boxing day … I have definitely had a busy but extremely fun and memorable Christmas time. It really is so soul and heart warming to look back at occasions you know will be solidified as cherished memories in years to come. Christmas is without a doubt my favourite season. It was so lovely to feel like a child again at receiving my gifts, and seeing the joy of others as their faces lit up at the presents I purchased them. One in particular was a trip to the Hex Hotel (with included entry to Yorkshire Wildlife Park) for my boyfriend. This was a lovely trip, complete with a view of the park from our room - the seals most importantly and magical lights for their illuminations event. It was the best hotel I have stayed in and I shall definitely be returning. So yes, overall I have very much enjoyed it and enjoying the remaining free time until term begins again.

Below are some of the highlights of this month:

As I have discovered this year, a happy mind full of wonder incites greater curiosity. Because of this, and a new competition and self-appointed deadline, I feel a great sense of pride in my writing again. I even surprised myself the other day when I had planned to just write notes on the next plot point in a chapter, when I unexpectedly began writing the actual story. Old rehearsed muscles really do return when stretched again. I am eager to see this novella finished so I can begin editing and hopefully craft and mould it to become the piece I aspire it to be. Even then I will be far from finished. This standalone novella will give way to a text I intend to be a series, followed by another - both of which being ideas I have mulled over for years and evolve into better creations each time I return with a greater craft. Make no mistake, this girl intends to be far from a one book writer. After all, writing and creating worlds is a rollercoaster you simply cannot leave once you start. You are along for the ride for life. It is a rush I adore and so I aspire to be the best I can be. I only hope I can reach my dream of others being able to read my words and feel inspired too.

As an aside, I will admit with each completed chapter I feel an increasing amount of nerves. Perhaps it is because there is an extremely high possibility of my completing this novella and submitting it to a competition I have been keeping my eye on for close to ten years. This in itself is a shocking realisation. It is one thing to dream and daydream one thing, but to actually be close to an opportunity to realise it is a mix daunting excitement and nervous joy. Still, I shall push on with the fiery, unrelenting hope and perseverance steadfast in my nature. We shall see where this takes me.

This is where I shall leave my last entry of this year. Looking back, 2022 has been an especially turbulent year in terms of changes, good and not so, and emotional rollercoasters. But one thing is for sure, although a shaky first few months, except for my second graduation and time with loved ones, the latter half has absolutely lifted my spirits. I am comforted by the knowledge I am where I am meant to be. The approaching year brings with it many exciting times, from rising career opportunities, to the first holiday I have saved up myself for, to writerly deadlines. Yes, there remains some uncertainties, but what is life if not a mysterious adventure? Yet we buckle ourselves down and live for the journey of it all. I welcome 2023 with hopeful, willing and eager arms.

Wishing you all the best for the new year! See you in January!


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